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My Goals for 2022

Goals, Progress4 min read

2022 will be my first year working 'full-time' in crypto. As such, I believe it's important to publicly share my (work) goals, in order to hold myself accountable and keep myself focussed on what's important. So, here goes:

1. 10-100x my building skills

As I mentioned in my previous post, I think building is the most under-rated game within crypto, offering the best risk/reward profile especially for newer entrants to the space. Right now, I am at best a novice builder - for the capstone project of the coding bootcamp I finished in November 2021, I made this hello world style web3 app - - for my mother-in-law who told me she'd always dreamed of having her own currency :D

Right now, as well as spending some time getting this site together, I'm working through , with the plan of moving on to when I'm done. I've bought both Mastering Bitcoin and Mastering Ethereum, I'm already running my own bitcoin node, and I have a large and growing folder of bookmarks with more resources to work through if/when I'm done with all that. I'm also involved in a few crypto discords, offering my basic React skills where they can be of use.

In order to achieve this large goal, I'm treating it like I treated poker, breaking it down into actionable steps I can tick off on a daily basis. My experience playing poker led me to a realisitic work/life balance I can sustain - I'll probably work something like 42-45 weeks in the year, 5-6 days per week where I'll work in sessions of 90m or so. 2 such sessions per day is a decent day, 3 is good - so let's say 12 sessions per week, 50 per month. This shakes out at only around 750-800h of focussed study this year, which seems low as compared with a 'normal' job, but over time I've realised that for me at least, quality and consistency in time spent beats intensity/duration every time.

2. Journalling - 360+ days

After many failed attempts, I've managed to develop a consistent journalling habit over the last couple of years. I plan to keep this up through 2022, no reason why I can't tick it off every single day, but I'll likely have the odd fail here and there so I'm giving myself a few mulligans to make sure I stay on track.

I journal about whatever comes to mind - might be personal or health stuff, often it's crypto-related, often it's to-do lists. I try to write down 5 things I'm grateful for most days aswel, helps me stay in a positive mindset.

3. Reduce unstructured phone time by 50+%

Over the last couple years, my average phone time per day has crept up from 40m to recently over 1h30m. While I sometimes kid myself on that this time is useful, in reality it's mainly scrolling Twitter and random Discords which is marginally useful at best, and certainly doesn't bring me any joy. When I'm not working I should mainly be outside, ideally with loved ones doing something active. My wife and I have agreed to re-establish a habit we had of spending 1 day per week completely without screens (almost always the best, most enjoyable day of the week). I'll also be staying disciplined about starting each day with a power hour (my own version of the Miracle Morning - 15m each of meditation, exercise, reading and writing), no phone in the first or last hour of the day.

4. Increase my ETH stack by 25%+

By the standards of CT I'm sure this is a ridiculously conservative goal, but poker taught me to be very careful about setting ambitious monetary goals. As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm not really interested in trying to out-predict the hive mind with regards to the short term pricing of whatever token. I'm especially not interested in trying to play the macro trader and trying to out-predict what the fed will do over any timeframe. First and foremost I'll be trying to contribute to projects I think are cool, though I don't expect to be paid much initially for this. With regards investing, I'll be looking for projects with products people like to use, that have a good track record of shipping code, with a bias towards farming passive incooom where possible.

That's it. Time to work :)

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